

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.7-水-A4
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱惠真
  • 研究人員:廖哲宏

鏈球菌屬和發光桿菌屬的細菌是很多淡水魚及海水魚的病原,包含海水鱸魚、鰤魚 、金鯛魚和大菱鮃,不論野生環境及養殖環境都非常容易感染,因此也造成了全球 非常大的經濟損失。目前診斷這些病原的方法有反轉錄即時定量擴增反應(RT-qPCR) 、多重擴增反應法(multiplex PCR assay) 及恆溫環狀擴增法(LAMP),這些方法雖 然檢出率很高,因涉及到操作的複雜性及耗時性,無法在田間直接使用。快速檢測 在養殖現場是控制疾病爆發良好的手段,也是十分適合的養殖田間管理操作,在這 個研究中我們結合了聚合酶重組擴增技術(RPA)及側流試紙(LF-strip)技術,能夠快 速地檢測四株常見的鏈球菌及發光桿菌病原(S. iniae, S. agalactiae, P. bacterium subsp. damselae and P. bacterium subsp. piscicida.),本項快篩試 紙無論是針對於鏈球菌或是發光桿菌,RPA的擴增只需在36至37度下需耗費15分鐘即 可完成,再加上5分鐘的顯色反應便可以判讀診斷結果,在靈敏度的檢測試驗,發光 桿菌的快篩試紙其靈敏度是待測DNA濃度達0.1至1ng,鏈球菌的快篩試紙其靈敏度是 待測DNA濃度達0.01至15ng,其結果和PCR的檢測結果一致,另於專一性的檢測則無 偽陽性產生。聚合酶重組擴增測流試紙(RPA-LF)是可以運用在午仔魚的疾病診斷 ,其具備有靈敏度高及快速的特性,未來此快篩試紙會應用於午仔魚幼苗的篩選汰 換,除避免造成疾病的大爆發也可以提高午仔魚的育成率。


Streptococcus spp. and Photobacterium spp.  are the most important pathogenic bacterium that causes several freshwater and marine fish disease, including sea bass, sole, yellow tail, gilt-head sea bream and turbot both in natural environments and in aquacultures. At last, it resulting in economic losses worldwide. The current detection methods as RT-qPCR , multiplex PCR assay and LAMP for those pathogenic bacterium are not well suited for direct field testing because they involve complicated, time-consuming operations. Rapid diagnosis of fish is essential for a proper management and effective control of outbreaks in farmed fish. In this study, we combined isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) with a lateral flow (LF) strip to rapidly and reliably detect S. iniae, S. agalactiae, P. bacterium subsp. damselae and P. bacterium subsp. piscicida. This assay could be used to detect those pathogenic bacterium within 20 min, including DNA amplification with RPA for 15 min at 37 °C and visualization of the amplicons by LF strips for 5 min. Experiments confirmed a detection limit as low as 0.1 to 15 ng of DNA in pure cultures. Furthermore, RPA-LF exhibited no cross-reactions with pathogens. RPA-LF can be used as a sensitive and rapid detection technique for Eleutheronema tetradactylum, we will use rapid diagnosis to avoid seriously outbreaks in Eleutheronema tetradactylum by those panthogens under larve stage.