

  • 日期:111-10-21
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.2-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:李彥宏
  • 研究人員:賴哲翊、黃維能、林如謙、高鈺勛

本研究中蓄養的午仔魚共有3批次,第1批為3年齡種魚,其來源為自新加坡引進受精卵培育成種魚之子代養成而來,第2批次(2年齡魚)來自於漁民繁殖之魚苗培育而成,約400尾;第3批次為今年3年齡種魚之子代,約1200尾。魚苗孵化率92%,可培育3萬多尾仔魚,育成率33%。種魚產卵共33次,產卵水溫為26.7~29℃。在鹽度試驗方面,以不同鹽度飼養午仔魚並記錄其生長,包含增重率(WGR)、飼料轉換率(FCR)及活存率(SR)等數據。以及記錄不同鹽度下其血漿中皮質醇(cortisol)及褪黑激素(melatonin)的含量。結果顯示,午仔魚養殖於10、20、25及30psu鹽度環境中,經90天蓄養後,10psu組有著最高的211.2± 18.3%WGR及最佳1.4±0.2FCR,而20psu組的SR則最高88.3± 1.4%。另外,經30天蓄養後的午仔魚其血漿中cortisol及melatonin含量,20psu組有著最高的cortisol水準21.5± 4.1ng/ml,而30psu組則最低9.8±1.2ng/ml,有著隨鹽度上升而降低的趨勢。相反的,melatonin則呈現隨鹽度升高而上升的趨勢,25psu組有著最高含量3.3± 0.1ng/ml,而10psu組則有低水準含量1.2± 0.3ng/ml。建立午仔魚不同鹽度飼養下的基礎數據,可以繼續供未來研究的應用。


In this study, there are three batches of fourfinger threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum), the first batch is a 3-year-old fish, which comes from the offspring of the fish bred by fertilized eggs introduced from Singapore, and the second batch (2-year-old fish) comes from the fry bred by fishermen, with about 400 fish. The third batch is the offspring of 3-year-old fish this year, with about 1,200 fish. The hatching rate of fry is 92%, and more than 30,000 larvae can be cultivated, with a breeding rate of 33%. Fish spawn 33 times, and the spawning temperature is 26.7~29℃. The study raised the effect of different salinities (10, 20, 25, 30 psu) on fourfinger threadfin stock, and holding to solve problems of aquaculture on the fish under global climate change. We record weight gain rate(WGR), feed conversion ratio(FCR), and survival rate(SR) during stock, and the concentration of cortisol and melatonin in plasm. The results show that the fish in 10psu during 90 days stock present best WGR (211.2± 18.3%) and best FCR (1.4± 0.2), and fish in 20psu present best SR (88.3± 1.4%). In addition, the fish in 20psu during 30 days stock present highest plasma cortisol (21.5± 4.1 ng/ml), and appear the lowest concentration in 30psu (9.8± 1.2ng/ml), that the cortisol decrease trend with increasing salinity. In contrast, plasma melatonin shows an upward trend with increasing salinity in the fish, that present the highest (3.3± 0.1ng/ml) in 25psu and the lowest (1.2± 0.3ng/ml) in 10psu. The establishment of basic data under different salinity stocking of Eleutheronema tetradactylum can continue to be used for future research applications.