

  • 日期:111-10-21
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.4-水-A2(3)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:許自研
  • 研究人員:陳陽德、王淑欣

臺灣屏東海域產有紅藻類之海門冬( Asparagopsis ),該藻可供食用、藥用、調味用、飼料添加用、甚至可萃取製成精油,發展潛力多元。目前由於人工商業養殖技術尚未確立,主要為季節性採集野生藻體進行加工,產量及品質較不穩定。本計畫全程目標為採集我國屏東地區海門冬藻種進行馴養,並透過試驗確立最適溫度、光照、鹽度及營養鹽等培養條件,以建立海門冬人工繁養殖技術。本計畫年度已自我國屏東縣琉球鄉、恆春鎮等海域發現該藻,並採集藻體與棲地水樣進行分析,因該藻具顯著季節性消長,夏季高水溫期消失殆盡,故比較琉球海域之海門冬末春初兩季藻體組成,並與恆春海域所採藻體進行比較,結果顯示影響海門冬季節消長之主要因素應為溫度及光照,人工馴養過程需穩定調控溫度、光照及各項水質條件以確保其活存生長,藻體之一般成份分析與海木耳相似,為富含礦物質及蛋白質且脂肪含量低的高纖食物,在重要成份方面,光合色素、藻膽蛋白及總酚含量亦與海木耳相近,但脂肪酸組成則較為不佳,後續將持續進行培養條件試驗,以作為穩定生產屏東海域海門冬之基礎。


The red algae Asparagopsis sp. is produced in the waters of Taiwan's Pingtung Sea. The algae can be used for edible, medicinal, flavoring, feed additives, and can even be extracted into essential oils, with diversified development potential. At present, because the artificial commercial breeding technology has not been established, the production and quality of the wild algae are mainly collected seasonally for processing, and the yield and quality are relatively unstable. The whole goal of this project is to collect sea asparagus species in Pingtung, my country for domestication, and to establish the optimum temperature, light, salinity, and nutrient conditions through experiments, so as to establish sea asparagus artificial breeding technology. In this project year, the algae have been discovered in the waters of Ryukyu Township, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, my country, and the algae body and habitat water samples have been collected for analysis. Because the algae have significant seasonal fluctuations, the summer high water temperature period has disappeared. Therefore, comparing the algae composition of the sea gate in the Ryukyu sea area in the late winter and early spring, and comparing it with the algae body collected in the Hengchun sea area, the results show that the main factors affecting should be temperature and light. The artificial domestication process needs to be stable. Adjust temperature, light, and various water quality conditions to ensure its survival and growth. The general composition analysis of algae is similar to that of Sarcodia sp.. It is a high-fiber food rich in minerals and protein and low in fat. In terms of important components, photosynthetic pigments The contents of phycobiliprotein and total phenols are also similar to those of Sarcodia sp., but the fatty acid composition is relatively poor. Subsequent cultivation conditions will continue to be tested to serve as the basis for the stable production of sea asparagus in the Pingtung waters.