

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:生物技術領域
  • 主持人:黃家富
  • 研究人員:陳昭德、李靖玉、劉富光

烏魚 (Mugil cephalus)分布於溫帶及熱帶性水域,於每年十一月下旬至一月上旬會經台灣西部海域南下產卵,而為漁民重要經濟所得,素有烏金之稱;近年來因大陸漁民非法炸魚及氣候變異,烏魚採捕受到嚴重影響,烏魚養殖逐漸盛行。烏魚已完全繁養殖及全雌化技術,唯缺乏最佳烏魚子生產品系之研究,而養殖所需魚苗主要來源為天然苗,天然苗依採捕時間可分為四種,然而由外型極不易辨識。故本研究擬應用分子標記輔助篩選生殖腺發育較佳的烏魚品系作為種魚,繁衍子代人工苗來飼養。本實驗初步結果符合Takagi及Hizer的概念及染色帶分布情形,因此未來分析其他烏魚樣本時,若能帶有Mce-1之600~700 bp染色帶、Mce-10之接近500 bp染色帶、Mce-12之300~400 bp及600~700 bp染色帶、或Mce-13之500~600 bp染色帶,則可能代表篩選到高GSI烏魚。


The grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, goes down south area by the western coast side of Taiwan during every last ten days of November to the first ten days of January. It brings bumper harvest to the fishman in this period of time because of its high economic interest. The time of capturing and the amount of the grey mullet was changed and decreased gradually because the China fishman harvested the grey by the illegal bomb and the climate has changed. Therefore, the aquaculture of the grey mullet grew up. The grey to be culture is wild fry. The wild fry can be divided into four group by the capturing time. However it is difficult to distinguish the four types of the grey mullet by its appearance, especially the fry.The grey mullet can divided into four parts to sell, the eggs have economic worth most. If we can screen and select the female grey that can embrace great eggs, it will guarantee the feeding income. There are many factors to influence the maturation of the eggs, including growth factor, the physiological factor, the genetic factor and etc.. The aim of this research to find the microsatellite marker correlated to the genetic factor, it also can be a qualification standard to tell good from bed fry when selling and guying the fry.By the method of Dot blotting and southern hybridization, we get 48 colonies with microsatellite DNA sequence. We design 16 primers by Primer premier software, they are used to screen the difference of the ovary development among the grey mullet sample. The analysis result of this experiment accords with the concept of Takagi and Hizer, while analyzing other grey nullet samples in the future, if the size of 600-700 bp with Mce-1 locus,or to close to 500 bp size with Mce-10 locus, or 300 -400 bp and 600-700 bp size with Mce-12 locus, or 500-600 bp size with Mce-13 locus, they may represent and screen high GSI for grey mullet.