

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:農業環境科技領域
  • 主持人:范繼中
  • 研究人員:吳純衡、范繼中、葉信利、洪郁嵐、林必佑、林媽勳



The reuse waste oyster shell not only can solve the environment pollution but also offer the valuable by product. The pearl layer can be separated from oyster shell. And then use extracting technology to obtain useful peptide as pearl function. The calcium carbonate of oyster shell can be transferred as calcium oxide which has anti bacterium. The reuse waste oyster shell model plant is built and considered with the stock place of waste oyster shell. The important works are planning model plant, fitting related machine and a trial run of machinery. After a test run, the operation of extracting can process 100 kg waste oyster shell, and calcining 50kg waste oyster shell. The optimal extracting and calcining condition is obtained by considering pearl layer protein extraction rate and calcium oxide transfer rate. The optimal extracting temperature is AB℃ and transferring temperature can be BC℃.