不同溫度下馬速展對黑鯛幼苗的毒性研究 | Effects of Temperature on the Toxicity of Masoten to Larval Black Sea Bream, Acanthopagrus schlegeli | 1 | 2 | 82-12-01 |
石<魚賓>對生態環境適應能力研究 | Experiment on Adaptation of Acrossocheilus formosanus to Environmental Factors | 1 | 2 | 82-12-01 |
水試所垂直式環流水槽之流場特性研究 | Studies on the Flow Characteristics of the Vertical Circulating Water Channel of TFRI | 1 | 2 | 82-12-01 |
利用魚探器輔助人工魚礁精確定位可行性之研究 | Studies on the Feasibility of Locating Artificial Reef by Means of Echo Sounder | 1 | 2 | 82-12-01 |
三倍體歐利亞吳郭魚的成長及性腺發育比較研究 | Comparative Study on the Growth and Gonadal Development of Diploid and Triploid Tilapia, Oreochromis aureus | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
單一尾雌嘉臘種魚之自然產卵及其卵質 | Natural Spawning and Quality of Eggs in One Female Red Sea Bream, Pagrus major | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
白鰻誘導繁殖試驗 | Induced Breeding of Japanese Eels, Anguilla japonica | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
調味九孔貯藏期間品質的變化 | Quality Changes of Seasoned Small Abalone, Haliotis diversicolor, during Storage | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
調味酥骨虱目魚之加工條件及其貯藏中品質變化之研究 | Optimization on the Processing Conditions and Quality Change of Seasoned Softened-Bone Milkfish during Storage at 5℃ and -20℃ | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
台灣西南海域櫻蝦漁業漁獲性能之研究 | Studies on Fishing Efficiency of the Sakura Shrimp Fishery in the Coastal Waters off Southwestern Taiwan | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
澎湖海域斑節蝦資源調查初步研究 | Preliminary Study on the Resources of Kuruma Prawn in the Coastal Waters of Penghu | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
台灣東北海域鯖<魚參>漁場及其與海況、氣象因素間的關係 | Relationship between Oceanographic and Meteorological Factors and the Mackerel Fishing Grounds in the Northeastern Waters of Taiwan | 1 | 1 | 82-06-01 |
遠海梭子蟹稚蟹於模擬不同類型棲地之活存率與成長探討 | Investigation of the Survival Rate and Growth of Juvenile Portunus pelagicus in Various Simulated Habitat Types | 30 | 1 | |